
Showing posts from March, 2019

Mountain Series 20

The following comment is inspired by Matthew 5:25-26,"Agree with your adversary quickly."   It was turbulences times in Jesus's earthly ministry, and the times he was training his disciples. It needs to be made clear that Jesus is not teaching anyone who is in law enforcement ,and the Juges who make judgments in the courtrooms are our enemy. There are some who do cross the line and abuse their power,but the system believe it or not does clean itself. During Jesus's earthly ministry, there were some who disagreed and didn't  want the gospel taught and became adversaries. Jesus is teaching us when we cross their path and they will bargain, Agree with them quickly because if we Don't they have the upper hand.

Mountain Series 19

The following comment is inspired by Matthew 5:23-24," leave your gift there before the altar."   A alter is more than just a symbol, particularly in the Christian church. Its a place where the Holy Of Holies is, who is God. It is not to be taken lightly but respected and honored. We approach  the altar to present ourselves before God, to bring gifts, having a repenting heart in meekness  and prayer.  When doing these things our mind should be free of junk. Jesus is teaching  that when we come before God, knowing we are fighting  with our brother or sister, leave the gift at the alter, or wait, and go clear the air with our brother or sister.