
Showing posts from April, 2018

Mountain Series 10

The following comment is inspired by Matthew 5:11-12," Rejoice and be exceedingly glad."  The method of trying to destroy one's character by lies and deception has been around for many years. In a lot of cases it is successful because people take what is being said at face value. It is difficult to take delight when someone is being abusive with us with language,or spreading rumors that is untrue. Jesus is teaching us to be glad when these events occur,which it take time to come to that state of mind. And rejoice because great is our reward in heaven and on earth,because it is building a better us. Let us not think that we are the only ones that this have happen to,the prophets and other men and women of the bible went through the same as well.

Mountain Series 9

The following comment is inspired by Matthew 5:10, " Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake,For theirs is the kingdom of heaven."   It's common to take a position on a topic or issue,and for someone to oppose our views and beliefs. Some times the opposition can be so intense that it can come in the form of harassment,oppression,words that hurt,or even isolation. Jesus is warning and telling of the reward of everyone who is persecuted for keeping the standards of the bible that people may isolate themselves from us because our beliefs in God. And that we have a place not only in this world but also in the Kingdom of God. Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness'  sake. 

Mountain Series 8

The following comment is inspired by Matthew 5:9," Blessed are the peace makers,For they shall be called sons of God."  The earth is a big place with many people who have different ethnic backgrounds,and powers. Conflicts will occur. To keep harmony in many cases we will need to give and take as much as we can stand,yet not giving up our beliefs or standards. By doing this usually problems are resolved.

Mountain Series 7

The following comment is inspired by Matthew 5:8," Blessed are the pure in heart,For they shall see God."   I enjoy watching movies in high definition because of the quality of the picture. Jesus is the only one who have seen,and is seeing God as God is. The rest of us will only see God in part,if our hearts or minds are pure. Who determine who is pure,only God. The writer of the book of James 2:23 wrote," And the Scripture was fulfilled which says," Abraham believed God,and it was accounted to him for righteousness." and he was called the friend of God."  Abraham was pure.

Mountain Series 6

The following comment is inspired by Matthew 5:7," Blessed are the merciful,For they shall obtain mercy."  It doesn't  matter who we are or what we accomplished in life, we need to have and to be shown mercy. There will be many of times when we need to ask for someone's pardon. Now,if we think that having to ask someone to pardon us or asking for mercy don't apply to us,then we will end up in a facility where we will be asking the government for leniency. Blessed are they who have and is shown mercy,for they shall obtain mercy.

Mountain Series 5

The following comment is inspired by Matthew 5:6," Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,For they shall be filled."  It takes a willing mind to serve God,and if we don't have knowledge to go alone with our zeal it can be destructive to us and those who is around us. To get the knowledge of God,we got to be fed the word of God which should be desired daily. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after God's righteousness,for they will be filled. 

Mountain Series 4

The following comment is inspired by Matthew 5:5,"  Blessed are the meek,For they shall inherit the earth."  God who has created us and gave everybody their distinct self, This doesn't mean that we can do what we want and be haughty against the Laws of God, nor the laws of the land which is being egotistic. This is where meekness is needed,in that we have a sense of self,but showing humility and gentleness toward others. This takes time to develop,however,meekness when it is shown,we will not only inherit the earth,but inhabit it as well. 

Mountain Series 3

The following comment is inspired by Matthew 5:4," Blessed are those who mourn,For they shall be comforted." As we live life,there will be many of times that we will encounter situations that will cause us griefs and pains. We will need someone to come to our aid and assist us by comforting us,which is the neighborly thing to do. Jesus is blessing all those who mourns when times causes us to do so. This doesn't mean that we aren't spiritual cause we feel sorrow or pain. Blessed are those who mourn,and realize that it's alright to do so. 

Mountain Series 2

The following comment is inspired by Matthew 5:3, " Blessed are the poor in spirit,For theirs is the Kingdom of heaven."   There are many ways in which a person can be poor. The one that is looked down on the most is being poor of not having sufficient money. There are many who define a person by what they have,rather by the content of one's character. Jesus is comforting his disciples and all them that are lacking material things and telling them that we do have worth and honor. Happy is the one who is lacking many possession and is spiritual. 

Mountain Series 1

The teachings of Jesus Christ is the doctrine of the church,and a inspirational life line to the soul. The following comment is inspired by Matthew 5:1-2,"And seeing the multitudes,he went up on a mountain, and when he was seated his disciples came to Him."  It takes discipline to not just to learn,but to teach as well. The writer took his time and in great detail,to explain the way that Jesus started to teach. Jesus went up on a mountain,he sat,then his disciples came behind him. Then,when they sat Jesus open his mouth and taught them. This is the mystery of God,because God is being manifested in Jesus Christ. The kingdom of God is being opening up to Jesus's disciples. Lord, help us to be discipline in our learning and when we teach.